Strange History by Bathroom Readers' Institute

Strange History - Bathroom Readers' Institute

The fifth book in the popular Uncle John’s Briefs series contains the strangest short history articles from over 30 Bathroom Readers—along with 50 all-new pages. From the 20th century to the Old West, from the Age of Enlightenment to the Dark Ages, from ancient cultures all the way back to the dawn of time, Strange History is overflowing with mysterious artifacts, macabre legends, kooky inventions, reality-challenged rulers, boneheaded blunders, and mind-blowing facts.


*I've got this book from NetGalley in exchange of an honest review*

This book was quite an entertaining read, however there were some "facts" that didn't sound like reality, so I tried to do my research and find more about them, however I didn't found any proof of them. That's why I would recommend to not look at this book and what's in it too seriously, or at least do your research first.
However I still recommend this book for a mood lifter, because there were definitely some stories that made me smile.
It is a great book for coffee table or at a waiting room in doctors office, because you don't have to read it from start to finish in order to understand what it is about, all the stories are short and each of them talk about different topics.